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Moon Temple Mystery School Podcast

Join Tahverlee for deep soul-level conversations about spirituality and what lies on the other side of the veil. As a high priestess and ritualist, Tahverlee shines a light on walking the awakening path of inner knowing and how it weaves into our daily lives. Take a deep breath, leave what you know at the door, and step into the mysteries.

What is High Magic?

grit & grace podcast Feb 15, 2023

High Magic is the most powerful birthplace of what’s possible and where your deepest desire to have everything that lights you up begins.

What is High Magic? It is working with complex rituals, ceremonies, and spirits from altered states of consciousness to see beyond the veil. It is a switch to help create massive change and kickstart a cycle of transformation in your life.

Join Tahverlee for exclusive High Magic Immersions in 2023. Explore your deepest desires; anything is possible when working with Magic, the elements, spiritual planes, and energy. Travel deep into the ethers to create and birth your BEST year yet. Say a holy YES to true transformation!

Learn more about High Magic Immersions and submit your application today.

Listen to Grit & Grace Episode #183, Living an Intentional Life.

Wisdom from the Shadows

grit & grace podcast Feb 15, 2023

The great wheel of time is turning rapidly, taking us through deep transformation. Massive change is coming, and we need to know how to harness that energy vs. letting that energy harness us.

Tahverlee shares that there is divine purpose in what is being exposed to us now. Your outer world is a 100% reflection of your inner world; what you experience on the external mirrors what’s happening within.

The Wisdom from the Shadows is this: radical accountability. Significant growth is coming, and what’s bubbling up must be cleared to bring cleaner, more aligned, higher-vibrational energy to your life.

Tahverlee is a Social Impact Entrepreneur and Temple Keeper. Visit Moon Temple Mystery School for ancient teachings for our modern world, spiritual coaching, and everything you need to know as you walk your awakening path.

Year of the Witch

grit & grace podcast Feb 15, 2023

This Year of the Witch is different; we are waking up at a rapid pace, and so many of us are hungry for a deeper understanding of the unseen worlds.

In this special episode, Tahverlee channels a message on what it means to be a Witch and how the technology in our bodies is changing. It’s time to allow the truest part of you that desires to be heard, seen, and felt to emerge.

Change is afoot. It may seem chaotic at first, but surrender to a deeper level of truth within yourself and say YES to what’s coming.

Own the word Witch, whatever way it suits you. Bring it on!

Living an Intentional Life

grit & grace podcast Feb 15, 2023

Are you living your best life, a life that gives you a soul-level fill-up?

Ask yourself, where is there joy and harmony in your life, and where is there discomfort? Then let’s go bigger. Let’s create a way of living so your intentions are built into everything you do and carry out into every aspect of your life.

Tahverlee shares five areas you can focus on to bring you more magic, deepen your spiritual alignment, and create an intentional life of abundance. Grab your journal and settle in for some deep wisdom.

What's Coming in 2023

grit & grace podcast Feb 15, 2023

The great wheel of time is turning. As we step into this new year, Tahverlee shares tips and tools to support your 2023 intentions.

Energetically, we are feeling the momentum of change. We are shedding this very dense energy we’ve been mired in the past few years and being called to uplevel at lightning speed.

2023 will root your feet down deep into the earth and allow you to call in wisdom from the depths of your soul. The deeper the roots, the higher the branches. Go beyond your vision board and sink into what you want to feel, what you want to experience, how you want to grow, and how to honor your soul’s desire.

Wishing you more joy in 2023!

The Sacred Wheel

grit & grace podcast Feb 15, 2023

Tahverlee shares exciting news about the newest Moon Temple Mystery School offering, The Sacred Wheel.

Everything is a cycle, and all our relationships move within that cycle. Casting a wheel helps you identify where you are at in any given moment and is the most powerful way to create intentions for each segment of your life.

All things live within the wheel. The Sacred Wheel course is a transformative journey back to yourself and a powerful tool you can use in your practice.

Journey with us in The Sacred Wheel course.

Moon Cycle Rituals

grit & grace podcast Feb 15, 2023

Everything that comes into our lives is a cycle. We are constantly creating, even if we are not doing it intentionally. What we are living is what we have already created.

What rituals should you add to your practice during the moon cycles to harness the power of what’s happening in the sky? First, release your expectations that moon cycle rituals must be done a certain way.

We are taught to craft our rituals to support our intentions, but we often forget to focus on how we want to feel with those intentions. Come back to yourself and know what you need at the moment. Go deep and allow the moon cycles to be times of clarity, reflection, and stillness.

You are the magic. Use the moon cycles to remind yourself of what you desire and what you are willing to do to create the life you want. Know your truth. That’s the essential way to harness the power of the moon.

Life is a Ritual

grit & grace podcast Feb 15, 2023

All that we have is this day - this present moment. Don’t keep your rituals and ceremonies separate from your daily life. Let the magic of the energy you create during your ritual space become your way of life.

In Life is a Ritual, Tahverlee shares the importance of a rising ritual, focusing on the transitional times in your day, bringing alignment to those transitioning moments, and having an arsenal of tools ready for use. The rituals you do during the “ in-between times” of your day are as powerful as the big ceremonies you perform.

Take the sacred pause, take some deep breaths, and use your rituals to connect and stay grounded. When you do, you will set up your day for much more ease, flow, joy, and peace. Let your rituals become a way of being, not just something you do. Live your life as a ritual.

My Magical Gift to You

grit & grace podcast Feb 15, 2023

Tahverlee shares a magical and very special gift with you today.

We invite you to experience the Magic in the music of the WitchFest 2022 song. This powerful, original composition was produced by Les Konley and Tahverlee and encompasses elemental words, a calling in, and an energy that is ritual specific.

Listen to the music, feel it in your soul, and experience the Magic in your life!

Honoring the Sacred No

grit & grace podcast Feb 15, 2023

How do you honor the Sacred No? It’s not always easy. Today, Tahverlee goes deep to bring us in alignment with what our bodies are telling us.

We are very good at honoring the yes. Times when we plan things with friends and family that we are very excited about doing or when we are in a relationship that is in alignment. Those times when our bodies definitively tell us, yes.

But what about when our body says no? The times when we are not sure how to determine what is a yes or a no? How do we tune in to our vibrational system and intuition to know what our body is telling us deeply?

We feel the answer No in our bodies much more than we think. Listen to your body. It takes practice, but in time, you will be much more in tune and learn to honor the Sacred No.

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